... researcherAnthropic has hired its first full-time employee focused on the welfare of artificial intelligence systems, Transformer has learned. It’s the clearest sign yet that AI companies are beginning to grapple with questions about whether future AI systems might deserve moral consideration — and whether that means we might have obligations to care about their welfare.
Antropic hires AI coddler
- Женя Стоунер
- Reactions: 2023
- Сообщения: 9080
- Зарегистрирован: Пн сен 26, 2022 12:45 pm
Antropic hires AI coddler
DEI door closes, the parasite went into AI window!... Учитесь адаптироваться и зарабатывать без труда!
Re: Antropic hires AI coddler
так точно. Хочешь жить - умей вертеться (с)
Тогда и рыбку вынешЪ и на ёлку залезешЪ