elpresidente* писал(а): ↑Tell me the three most funniest jokes you ever heard?
Humor is highly personal, so what one person finds hilarious, another might not. However, here are three jokes that have been well-received by many. Remember, the funniest joke to someone can depend greatly on their sense of humor!
1. **The Talking Dog**
A guy walks into a bar with his pet dog. The bartender says, "Sorry, pal. No pets allowed."
The man replies, "This is no ordinary dog. He can talk!"
The bartender, skeptical, says, "If that dog can talk, I'll give you a hundred bucks."
The man puts the dog on the barstool, and asks him, "What’s on top of a house?"
"Roof!" The dog answers.
The bartender isn’t convinced. So the man asks the dog, "How does sandpaper feel?"
"Rough!" the dog answers.
The bartender still isn’t satisfied. "Who was the greatest baseball player of all time?" the man asks the dog.
"Ruth!" the dog barks.
The bartender, now angry, demands they leave. As they're walking out, the dog looks up at the man and says, "DiMaggio?"
2. **The Time-Traveling Joke**
I told my wife she should embrace her mistakes. She gave me a hug.
3. **Classic Misunderstanding**
Two antennas met on a roof, fell in love, and got married. The ceremony wasn’t much, but the reception was incredible!
Remember, the delivery of a joke often enhances its humor, so imagining these in a lively context might tickle your funny bone even more!