Re: Tеатр абсурда
Добавлено: Ср фев 19, 2025 10:52 am
Эти проникновенные открытые обращения на русском языке к согражданам- американцам очень-очерь трогательны, I kid you not)))
Любой каприз:
чтоб до конца проняло, давайте на урдуЯшка писал(а): ↑Ср фев 19, 2025 10:58 amЛюбой каприз:
It's okay if you voted for Trump on low information or based on some calculations that haven't since panned out. None of us are clairvoyant, we all make mistakes out of the best of intentions. No one could expect this presidency to turn into an outright demented fascist high treason fest. Even those of us who had warned about it still couldn't quite believe it until it started happening. We're all human.
Now, what's not okay is if you're still *with them*. It means one of two things.
The first, more benign explanation is that you are a well meaning idiot. Idiots come in all shapes and sizes, sometimes they're endowed with high IQs just as people on the right side of events may have low IQs. Good natured idiots may come around - the whole concept of Christian salvation is built on this idea. Nothing wrong with admission of your past mistakes or at least with reassessment of your past convictions, certainly not with internalizing your intellectual limitations.
The far more problematic case is if you genuinely enjoy all of this and are consciously one of *them*. Specifically, if you repeat Tucker Carlson's or Musk's lies as tweeted by Trump. I guess this can also be because you're an idiot so there's hope as well and it may be objectively impossible to tell which is it with you - stupidity or malice.
Either way I'm not really interested in what you have to say in defense of these traitorous scumbags. So, there will be none of that stuff from you here.
Now, on a positive note - if you're done with making excuses for these swine - it's a good thing. Things will heat up. Prepare for a very rough ride, good people will need all the allies they can get.
Наверное так же, как проглатывают на всяких порнхабах, облизываясь и с улыбкой.Nab писал(а): ↑Ср фев 19, 2025 2:42 am продолжение театра абсурда с Трампом в главной роли.
"president Trump on Tuesday appeared to blame Ukraine’s leaders for the three-year war with Russia, arguing Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky “should have never started it.”()
Интересно, как наши трамполизы примут, проглотят, переварят и выдадут на гора очередной желаемый перевод, что на самом деле пытался сказать их "лидер свободного мира"?
Ему друг Вова нашептал в ушко.klsk писал(а): ↑Ср фев 19, 2025 3:41 am ... index.htmlВот откуда он этот бред берет, про рейтинг одобрения Зеленского 4 процента? Афигеть просто“We have a situation where we haven’t had elections in Ukraine, where we have martial law,” Trump told reporters at his Mar-a-Lago resort. Trump also claimed that Zelensky’s approval rating was “at 4%” and “we have a country that has been blown to smithereens.”
Reliable polling has been difficult in the middle of a war zone that has seen thousands of Ukrainians become internally displaced or flee the country. While recent surveys have shown Zelensky’s popularity dropping significantly from the almost universal approval he enjoyed at the start of the war, it’s nowhere near the depths cited by Trump.
The president also warned that for Ukraine’s views on its fate to be considered, it should have an election, saying: “You know, they want a seat at the table, wouldn’t the people of Ukraine have to have a say, like it’s been a lot of times since we’ve had an election?”
Apparently sensitive to criticism that he parrots Russian propaganda in his statements on the war, Trump insisted, “That’s not a Russia thing; that’s something that’s coming from me.”
Ukraine’s last election was due to have taken place last April, but Zelensky said it wasn’t possible for voters to go to the polls in wartime — a position that is backed up by the country’s Constitution. Trump’s insistence on voters having their say in a democracy is ironic given his own refusal to listen to the verdict of Americans in the 2020 presidential election that he lost. And it’s even more brazen since Putin has stayed in power for over two decades by holding sham elections and imposing severe domestic repression.![]()
Луиджи, вы либо негодяй, либо просто не понимаете, что творите. Я склоняюсь ко второму варианту, иначе не тратила бы время на этот разговор.Луиджи писал(а): ↑Ср фев 19, 2025 11:00 amчтоб до конца проняло, давайте на урдуЯшка писал(а): ↑Ср фев 19, 2025 10:58 am
Любой каприз:
It's okay if you voted for Trump on low information or based on some calculations that haven't since panned out. None of us are clairvoyant, we all make mistakes out of the best of intentions. No one could expect this presidency to turn into an outright demented fascist high treason fest. Even those of us who had warned about it still couldn't quite believe it until it started happening. We're all human.
Now, what's not okay is if you're still *with them*. It means one of two things.
The first, more benign explanation is that you are a well meaning idiot. Idiots come in all shapes and sizes, sometimes they're endowed with high IQs just as people on the right side of events may have low IQs. Good natured idiots may come around - the whole concept of Christian salvation is built on this idea. Nothing wrong with admission of your past mistakes or at least with reassessment of your past convictions, certainly not with internalizing your intellectual limitations.
The far more problematic case is if you genuinely enjoy all of this and are consciously one of *them*. Specifically, if you repeat Tucker Carlson's or Musk's lies as tweeted by Trump. I guess this can also be because you're an idiot so there's hope as well and it may be objectively impossible to tell which is it with you - stupidity or malice.
Either way I'm not really interested in what you have to say in defense of these traitorous scumbags. So, there will be none of that stuff from you here.
Now, on a positive note - if you're done with making excuses for these swine - it's a good thing. Things will heat up. Prepare for a very rough ride, good people will need all the allies they can get.
Удивительное рядом. Я вам открою большой секрет - большая часть раzzии тоже не хочет больше воевать, они прямо так и говорят - разбомбить бы всех хАхлов к чертовой матери, что-бы война поскорее закончилась, а то "людей жалко, ведь гибнут низачто".
какое высокомерие, Бобег? Это всего лишь констатация фактов с лёгкой ноткой сочувствия. А метлой тут махать – не моё амплуа, я больше по интеллектуальным упражнениям.
да, считается что эти данные от русской делегации - просто других в природе не существует которые бы назвали такое число.beholder писал(а): ↑Ср фев 19, 2025 11:06 amЕму друг Вова нашептал в ушко.klsk писал(а): ↑Ср фев 19, 2025 3:41 am ... index.html
Вот откуда он этот бред берет, про рейтинг одобрения Зеленского 4 процента? Афигеть просто![]()
да ладно...человек поел курочку, погулял по парку, поспал, сходил в туалет, посмотрел постановку по ТВ, вздремнул, ...всё хорошо...его хата с краю...можно немножко позубоскалить...но не зло, а так это, ироничненько....
Прямая демократия не работает в масштабе, почти каждый человек оптимизирует свою жизнь вокруг своего непосредственного круга интересов, который может не совпадать с интересами и ценностями социума, частью которого является человек.BarBoss писал(а): ↑Ср фев 19, 2025 7:04 amТ.е. вы сейчас выступили протрв директ демократии? Ню ню.beholder писал(а): ↑Вт фев 18, 2025 8:22 pm
А теперь заменим "защита одного черножопого племени" на
- Финансирование школ. И тут задумаются бездетные, а у меня ведь нет детей.
- Исследование лечения рака. И тут задумаются здоровые, а у меня ведь рака нет.
- Оземпик. И тут задумаются жирные американцы и вся страна в едином порыве проголосует - ЗА!
В швейцарии по всем важным вопросам постоянно референдумы. И это правильно ИМО. А не как у нас - народ голосует за одно а бюрократы продолжают правдами и не правдами делать совсем другое. Часто противоположное желаниям народа.
Мне без разницы что большая часть раzzии хочет.
Главное, чтобы его зубоскальство не переросло в «зубы на полку», а то, глядишь, хата окажется не такой уж и с краю. Может, тогда он и очнётся, но будет поздно – Маск приватизирует его SSI и заодно запишет на процедуру обрезания по программе оптимизации расходов.