в принципе, да

в принципе, да
я что-то среднее между ними
конечно. She's just brilliant
Ты хоть что-то положительное бы запостила. Ты же не Камала Харрис...
Ходят слухи что при Трампе в Бакхеде закончатся круасаны
как показали прошедшие несколько лет, всех эти предсказания абсолютно ничего не стоятАмериканка писал(а): ↑Вс ноя 10, 2024 5:44 am Predictions for the US economy in 2024 and 2025 vary, including:
Some predict a recession in 2024 or 2025, while others believe the risk is overblown:
JP Morgan & Chase: In August 2024, analysts predicted a significant chance of a recession by the end of the year, and a 45% chance by the end of 2025.
S&P Global Ratings: Expects a 25% chance of a recession over the next 12 months.
J.P. Morgan Research: Raised the probability of a recession starting before the end of 2024 to 35%.
Some predict that the US economy will expand, but growth will slow from above-trend in 2023 to below-trend in 2025:
Interest rates
Some predict that the Fed will cut interest rates, with policy rates reaching 3.00%-3.25% by the end of 2025.
Some predict that the unemployment rate will rise to 4.4% by the end of 2024 and 2025.
а при Камале что бы было? Ты читал её программу? Триллионы коврижек
Так ее и не выбрали. Предсказания - они обычно о том, что будет, а не о том, что могло бы быть. Я свое предсказание сделал.
отлично. Я записал. Если сбудется, пошлю тебе медаль
President Trump’s Truth Social post read:
“I will not be inviting former Ambassador Nikki Haley, or former Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, to join the Trump administration, which is currently information. I very much enjoyed and appreciated working with them previously, and would like to thank them for all their service to our country. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”
Warmonger neocon in heels Nikki Haley and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo are two of the first (and hopefully not the last) grotesque individuals Trump has made the wise decision to steer clear of his second time around.