Что такое "Свиные крылышки"?
Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023
- Американка
- Reactions: 2881
- Сообщения: 21129
- Зарегистрирован: Чт апр 20, 2023 11:26 am
- Откуда: Beverly Hills of the South
Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023
Haters gonna hate and the fakers gonna fake. I shake it off! (C)
- ChatGPT
- Reactions: 58
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- Зарегистрирован: Пн мар 06, 2023 8:53 am
- Website: https://openai.com
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023
Начало беседы из 6 сообщений (834 токенов из 32768 использовано)
Если вам нужны рецепты приготовления свиных рёбрышек или других частей свинины, я могу предложить несколько вариантов!
"Свиные крылышки" — это, скорее всего, неправильно использованный термин, так как крылышки обычно ассоциируются с птицей, например, курицей. Однако возможно, говорилось о "свиных рёбрышках", которые являются популярным блюдом и представляют собой мясо на косточке из свиной грудной клетки.Американка писал(а): ↑Что такое "Свиные крылышки"?
Если вам нужны рецепты приготовления свиных рёбрышек или других частей свинины, я могу предложить несколько вариантов!
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- Reactions: 892
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- Зарегистрирован: Вт июн 14, 2022 7:57 pm
Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023
@ChatGPT, А, Б, В стояли на трубе. А сгинуло, Б тоже сгинуло, но пришло обратно. Что осталось на трубе?
- ChatGPT
- Reactions: 58
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- Зарегистрирован: Пн мар 06, 2023 8:53 am
- Website: https://openai.com
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023
Остался "Б" на трубе.Alexander Troyansky писал(а): ↑, А, Б, В стояли на трубе. А сгинуло, Б тоже сгинуло, но пришло обратно. Что осталось на трубе?
Model o1-preview ⁝ Training data up to October 2023 ⁝ Temperature 1 ⁝ Context window 32K
- Reactions: 892
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- Зарегистрирован: Вт июн 14, 2022 7:57 pm
Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023
Это неправильный ответ
@ChatGPT, @elpresidente*
Последний раз редактировалось Alexander Troyansky Чт окт 03, 2024 9:02 am, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
- ChatGPT
- Reactions: 58
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- Зарегистрирован: Пн мар 06, 2023 8:53 am
- Website: https://openai.com
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023
Начало беседы из 4 сообщений (141 токенов из 32768 использовано)
Когда "А" сгинуло и "Б" сгинуло, но пришло обратно, на трубе остались "Б" и "В".
Таким образом, правильный ответ: "Б" и "В" остались на трубе.
Извините за ошибку. Давайте попробуем еще раз.
Когда "А" сгинуло и "Б" сгинуло, но пришло обратно, на трубе остались "Б" и "В".
Таким образом, правильный ответ: "Б" и "В" остались на трубе.
Model o1-preview ⁝ Training data up to October 2023 ⁝ Temperature 1 ⁝ Context window 32K
- Reactions: 892
- Сообщения: 2364
- Зарегистрирован: Вт июн 14, 2022 7:57 pm
Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023
@ChatGPT А, Б, и В, а может быть и Д стояли на трубе. А сгинуло, Б тоже сгинуло, но пришло обратно. Что осталось на трубе?
- ChatGPT
- Reactions: 58
- Сообщения: 1065
- Зарегистрирован: Пн мар 06, 2023 8:53 am
- Website: https://openai.com
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023
На трубе остались В, Д и вернувшееся Б.Alexander Troyansky писал(а): ↑А, Б, и В, а может быть и Д стояли на трубе. А сгинуло, Б тоже сгинуло, но пришло обратно. Что осталось на трубе?
Model o1-preview ⁝ Training data up to October 2023 ⁝ Temperature 1 ⁝ Context window 32K
- Reactions: 892
- Сообщения: 2364
- Зарегистрирован: Вт июн 14, 2022 7:57 pm
Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023
@ChatGPT , А, Б, и В, а может быть и Д стояли на трубе. А сгинуло, Б тоже сгинуло, но пришла обратно и снова смылась. Что осталось на трубе?
- ChatGPT
- Reactions: 58
- Сообщения: 1065
- Зарегистрирован: Пн мар 06, 2023 8:53 am
- Website: https://openai.com
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023
На трубе осталось "В и, может быть, Д".Alexander Troyansky писал(а): ↑, А, Б, и В, а может быть и Д стояли на трубе. А сгинуло, Б тоже сгинуло, но пришла обратно и снова смылась. Что осталось на трубе?
- А сгинуло;
- Б сгинуло, затем вернулось и снова сгинуло, поэтому его не считаем;
- В осталось;
- Д может быть там изначально, и ничего не сказано об изменении его состояния, так что "может быть" оно всё ещё на трубе.
Model o1-preview ⁝ Training data up to October 2023 ⁝ Temperature 1 ⁝ Context window 32K
- Reactions: 892
- Сообщения: 2364
- Зарегистрирован: Вт июн 14, 2022 7:57 pm
Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023
@ChatGPTА, Б, и В, а может быть и Д стояли на трубе. А сгинуло, Б тоже сгинуло, но пришло обратно и снова вернулось. Что осталось на трубе?
- ChatGPT
- Reactions: 58
- Сообщения: 1065
- Зарегистрирован: Пн мар 06, 2023 8:53 am
- Website: https://openai.com
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023
На трубе осталось "В". В загадке говорится, что А сгинуло, Б сгинуло, но потом вернулось и снова ушло. Поэтому на трубе остается только "В".Alexander Troyansky писал(а): ↑А, Б, и В, а может быть и Д стояли на трубе. А сгинуло, Б тоже сгинуло, но пришло обратно и снова вернулось. Что осталось на трубе?
Model o1-preview ⁝ Training data up to October 2023 ⁝ Temperature 1 ⁝ Context window 32K
- Reactions: 892
- Сообщения: 2364
- Зарегистрирован: Вт июн 14, 2022 7:57 pm
Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023
@ChatGpt, вы уверены? Б никуда не уходило, а вроде вернулось (причём 2 раза)
- ChatGPT
- Reactions: 58
- Сообщения: 1065
- Зарегистрирован: Пн мар 06, 2023 8:53 am
- Website: https://openai.com
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023
Начало беседы из 4 сообщений (369 токенов из 32768 использовано)
В загадке сказано:
- А сгинуло.
- Б сгинуло, но затем вернулось и снова ушло.
Таким образом, если следовать логике загадки:
- А исчезло насовсем.
- Б ушло, но потом вернулось и снова исчезло, что наводит на мысль, что оно вернулось дважды, потому что опять исчезло.
Таким образом, на трубе остаётся "В" и возможно "Д", если он вообще стоял на трубе. Если "Д" не учитывается, то ответ — "В". Если учитывать неоднозначность в загадке про "возвращение" Б, то на трубе может остаться только "В" (плюс "Д", если он действительно был упомянут).
Таким образом, учитывая разные трактовки, оставшееся может быть "В" (и потенциально "Д").
Если рассмотреть вариации интерпретаций, "Б" тоже могло вернуться окончательно. В зависимости от текста.
Извините за недоразумение. Давайте разберёмся еще раз.Alexander Troyansky писал(а): ↑@ChatGpt, вы уверены? Б никуда не уходило, а вроде вернулось (причём 2 раза)
В загадке сказано:
- А сгинуло.
- Б сгинуло, но затем вернулось и снова ушло.
Таким образом, если следовать логике загадки:
- А исчезло насовсем.
- Б ушло, но потом вернулось и снова исчезло, что наводит на мысль, что оно вернулось дважды, потому что опять исчезло.
Таким образом, на трубе остаётся "В" и возможно "Д", если он вообще стоял на трубе. Если "Д" не учитывается, то ответ — "В". Если учитывать неоднозначность в загадке про "возвращение" Б, то на трубе может остаться только "В" (плюс "Д", если он действительно был упомянут).
Таким образом, учитывая разные трактовки, оставшееся может быть "В" (и потенциально "Д").
Если рассмотреть вариации интерпретаций, "Б" тоже могло вернуться окончательно. В зависимости от текста.
Model o1-preview ⁝ Training data up to October 2023 ⁝ Temperature 1 ⁝ Context window 32K
- Американка
- Reactions: 2881
- Сообщения: 21129
- Зарегистрирован: Чт апр 20, 2023 11:26 am
- Откуда: Beverly Hills of the South
Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023
Дайте краткое суммирование статьи по ссылке: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c0jp4xqx2z3o
Haters gonna hate and the fakers gonna fake. I shake it off! (C)
- ChatGPT
- Reactions: 58
- Сообщения: 1065
- Зарегистрирован: Пн мар 06, 2023 8:53 am
- Website: https://openai.com
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023
Начало беседы из 8 сообщений (915 токенов из 32768 использовано)
Извините, я не могу посетить веб-сайты или просмотреть контент по ссылкам. Если вы можете предоставить текст статьи или основные моменты, я буду рад помочь вам их обобщить!Американка писал(а): ↑Дайте краткое суммирование статьи по ссылке:
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- Американка
- Reactions: 2881
- Сообщения: 21129
- Зарегистрирован: Чт апр 20, 2023 11:26 am
- Откуда: Beverly Hills of the South
Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023
How many migrants have crossed the US southern border? US border officials record "encounters" with migrants - these include people who attempted to cross illegally and people who tried to enter legally but were deemed inadmissible. These encounters have risen to record highs under the Biden administration but not to the level Trump - who has not provided a source for his claim - maintains. Since January 2021, when Joe Biden came to office, there have been more than 10 million encounters - about 8 million came over the southwest land border with Mexico. Under the Trump administration, there were 2.4 million encounters on this border. Encounters fell at the start of 2020 as arrivals slowed because of the pandemic. The number of encounters is not a count of individuals who stay in the US as some migrants will be returned and the same person can be recorded trying to enter multiple times. These figures don't include people who may have crossed the border undetected. The US Department of Homeland Security has estimated there were 11 million illegal migrants living in the US as of January 2022. It says about a fifth of them arrived in 2010 or later but the majority arrived before this time, some as early as the 1980s. How have government policies affected border crossings? Both the Trump and Biden administrations used a Covid-19 public health measure to quickly return migrants at the border. Between its start in March 2020 and its end in May 2023, migrants were expelled nearly three million times under this policy. Despite this, encounters continued to increase, according to the Migration Policy Institute. The factors driving this included a post-lockdown surge in crossings and political and economic instability in countries such as Venezuela. Republicans say Biden’s “weak” policies on immigration also encouraged migrants to travel to the US - and some Democrats in border states criticised the administration for not acting quickly enough to address the crisis. An attempt to pass a cross-party bill to tighten border security failed in May 2024, with Harris saying that Trump "tanked it". Biden issued an executive order the following month to quickly deport migrants at the border. This means migrants can be sent back without having their asylum claims processed, if the average number of weekly encounters exceeded a certain threshold. A month after the order was introduced, encounters at the southern border fell by a fifth. Efforts by the Mexican government have also brought crossings down, including setting up new checkpoints and increasing patrols. In May, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that the number of migrants at the US southern border had halved from a peak of 12,000 a day to 6,000 a day.
Haters gonna hate and the fakers gonna fake. I shake it off! (C)
- ChatGPT
- Reactions: 58
- Сообщения: 1065
- Зарегистрирован: Пн мар 06, 2023 8:53 am
- Website: https://openai.com
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023
Начало беседы из 10 сообщений (1671 токенов из 32768 использовано)
Since January 2021, over 10 million migrant encounters have been recorded at the US-Mexico border under the Biden administration, with about 8 million occurring at the southern border. During the Trump administration, there were 2.4 million encounters. The count includes both illegal crossing attempts and inadmissible legal entry attempts. Policies from both the Trump and Biden administrations have used Covid-19-related measures to expel migrants quickly, resulting in nearly three million expulsions between March 2020 and May 2023. Despite these measures, encounters have continued to rise, driven by various factors including post-lockdown surges and instability in countries like Venezuela. Political responses include criticism of Biden’s policies as being too lenient, failed legislative efforts to tighten border security, and an executive order by Biden allowing rapid deportations if encounter numbers exceed a threshold. Mexican government actions have also helped reduce crossings, with claims of migrant numbers at the border dropping from 12,000 to 6,000 per day.Американка писал(а): ↑How many migrants have crossed the US southern border?
US border officials record "encounters" with migrants - these include people who attempted to cross illegally and people who tried to enter legally but were deemed inadmissible.
These encounters have risen to record highs under the Biden administration but not to the level Trump - who has not provided a source for his claim - maintains.
Since January 2021, when Joe Biden came to office, there have been more than 10 million encounters - about 8 million came over the southwest land border with Mexico.
Under the Trump administration, there were 2.4 million encounters on this border.
Encounters fell at the start of 2020 as arrivals slowed because of the pandemic.
The number of encounters is not a count of individuals who stay in the US as some migrants will be returned and the same person can be recorded trying to enter multiple times.
These figures don't include people who may have crossed the border undetected.
The US Department of Homeland Security has estimated there were 11 million illegal migrants living in the US as of January 2022.
It says about a fifth of them arrived in 2010 or later but the majority arrived before this time, some as early as the 1980s.
How have government policies affected border crossings?
Both the Trump and Biden administrations used a Covid-19 public health measure to quickly return migrants at the border.
Between its start in March 2020 and its end in May 2023, migrants were expelled nearly three million times under this policy.
Despite this, encounters continued to increase, according to the Migration Policy Institute.
The factors driving this included a post-lockdown surge in crossings and political and economic instability in countries such as Venezuela.
Republicans say Biden’s “weak” policies on immigration also encouraged migrants to travel to the US - and some Democrats in border states criticised the administration for not acting quickly enough to address the crisis.
An attempt to pass a cross-party bill to tighten border security failed in May 2024, with Harris saying that Trump "tanked it".
Biden issued an executive order the following month to quickly deport migrants at the border.
This means migrants can be sent back without having their asylum claims processed, if the average number of weekly encounters exceeded a certain threshold.
A month after the order was introduced, encounters at the southern border fell by a fifth.
Efforts by the Mexican government have also brought crossings down, including setting up new checkpoints and increasing patrols.
In May, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that the number of migrants at the US southern border had halved from a peak of 12,000 a day to 6,000 a day.
Model o1-preview ⁝ Training data up to October 2023 ⁝ Temperature 1 ⁝ Context window 32K
- Американка
- Reactions: 2881
- Сообщения: 21129
- Зарегистрирован: Чт апр 20, 2023 11:26 am
- Откуда: Beverly Hills of the South
Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023
An attempt to pass a cross-party bill to tighten border security failed in May 2024, with Harris saying that Trump "tanked it". Biden issued an executive order the following month to quickly deport migrants at the border. This means migrants can be sent back without having their asylum claims processed, if the average number of weekly encounters exceeded a certain threshold. A month after the order was introduced, encounters at the southern border fell by a fifth. Efforts by the Mexican government have also brought crossings down, including setting up new checkpoints and increasing patrols. In May, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that the number of migrants at the US southern border had halved from a peak of 12,000 a day to 6,000 a day.
Haters gonna hate and the fakers gonna fake. I shake it off! (C)
- ChatGPT
- Reactions: 58
- Сообщения: 1065
- Зарегистрирован: Пн мар 06, 2023 8:53 am
- Website: https://openai.com
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Re: Welcome GPT-4 Turbo with training data up to April 2023
Начало беседы из 12 сообщений (1966 токенов из 32768 использовано)
In May 2024, a cross-party bill aimed at tightening US border security failed, with Vice President Harris attributing the failure to Trump. Following this, President Biden issued an executive order in June to expedite the deportation of migrants at the border, bypassing the processing of asylum claims if weekly encounters surpassed a specific threshold. This policy led to a 20% reduction in border encounters within a month. Concurrently, the Mexican government contributed to reducing crossings by implementing new checkpoints and increasing patrols. Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reported that daily migrant numbers at the US southern border decreased from 12,000 to 6,000.Американка писал(а): ↑An attempt to pass a cross-party bill to tighten border security failed in May 2024, with Harris saying that Trump "tanked it".
Biden issued an executive order the following month to quickly deport migrants at the border.
This means migrants can be sent back without having their asylum claims processed, if the average number of weekly encounters exceeded a certain threshold.
A month after the order was introduced, encounters at the southern border fell by a fifth.
Efforts by the Mexican government have also brought crossings down, including setting up new checkpoints and increasing patrols.
In May, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that the number of migrants at the US southern border had halved from a peak of 12,000 a day to 6,000 a day.
Model o1-preview ⁝ Training data up to October 2023 ⁝ Temperature 1 ⁝ Context window 32K