Annushka писал(а): ↑Пт июн 28, 2024 10:42 am
Уже нашли 6 кандидатов на место Байдена
Помимо 59-летней вице-президента Харрис, в список вошли губернаторы Калифорнии Гэвин Ньюсом (56 лет), Иллинойса Джей Притцкер (59 лет) и Мичигана Гретхен Уитмер (52 года), а также сенатор от штата Огайо Шеррод Браун (71 год) и конгрессмен от Миннесоты Дин Филлипс (55 лет), который принимал участие в праймериз, но сошел с дистанции, уступив Байдену.
А Байден уже сказал Фиг Вам!
Дедушка ослеп и так далее ))
"President Biden brushed off concerns about his debate performance against former President Trump Thursday despite widespread panic among Democrats about how the night played out.
The president and first lady Jill Biden stopped at a Waffle House in Atlanta following the debate, and he took a few questions from reporters after placing their order.
“I think we did well,” Biden said.
Asked about calls from some Democrats for him to drop out of the race or whether he had any concerns about his performance, Biden said he did not.
“No. It’s hard to debate a liar. The New York Times pointed out he lied 26 times,” he said, while also acknowledging he had a sore throat."