Catmint писал(а): ↑Чт дек 14, 2023 6:06 pm
alex_127 писал(а): ↑Чт дек 14, 2023 5:59 pm
Amniocentesis is usually carried out between the 15th and 20th weeks of pregnancy
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Ms. Cox learned she was pregnant for the third time in August 2023. She was still
breastfeeding her son, and so she was not tracking her cycle precisely, but she and her husband
had been hoping for a third. Her whole family was thrilled.
9. In October 2023, Ms. Cox provided a blood sample for noninvasive prenatal blood
testing (“NIPT”), which can be done between 10 and 13 weeks to screen for some fetal conditions
as well as reveal the sex of the pregnancy. Ms. Cox was excited to learn the sex of her baby so
early,2 as she had for her older children. When Ms. Cox’s OB/GYN called her with the results,
however, Ms. Cox immediately knew something was wrong. She had never received NIPT results
directly from her doctor before.
10. Ms. Cox’s OB/GYN informed her that the NIPT indicated that her baby was at high
risk for trisomy 18, a condition with a very high likelihood of miscarriage or stillbirth and low
survival rates. Because the test is not diagnostic,...
he specialist recommended amniocentesis testing at 16 weeks and continued ultrasound testing in the meantime.
At the beginning of November, when Ms. Cox was 16 weeks, she underwent an
amniocentesis procedure and was told it would take several weeks to receive the complete results.
Ms. Cox finally received the official results of the amniocentesis on November 28,
2023, the same day the Texas Supreme Court heard argument in Zurawski. The diagnosis was
confirmed: their baby has full trisomy 18. Ms. Cox and her family were devastated
купить два новых инспекционных судна, два беспилотника дальнего радиуса действия и две дополнительные команды собачьих упряжек. (Минобороны Дании)