Что "это"?
- DiKrantz
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- Зарегистрирован: Пн фев 06, 2023 7:19 am
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Re: Covid-19
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Re: Covid-19
Service members who were forced out of the military because they refused the COVID-19 vaccination, but had requested a waiver that was denied, now have a path for rejoining, according to the senior enlisted advisers who testified before Congress today.
The process to rejoin will be similar to what a service member goes through after a break in service, assuming the service member meets the qualifications, said Sergeant Major of the Army Michael Grinston, in testimony before the House Appropriations subcommittee on military construction, veteran affairs and related agencies. He said the Army published its guidance this week.
The Marine Corps released its guidance today, said Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps Troy Black, and it’s “exactly the same” as the Army guidance.
Air Force policy is also similar, said Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force JoAnne Bass. She added that the Air Force is making sure the process is quick, fair and that officials are handling the requests on a case-by-case basis.
Rep. John Rutherford, R-Fla., said he has talked to many service members in his district, which includes Jacksonville. “One of the things I keep hearing is they want to come back,” he said. He noted that more than 8,000 service members have been discharged for refusing the vaccine.
The process to rejoin will be similar to what a service member goes through after a break in service, assuming the service member meets the qualifications, said Sergeant Major of the Army Michael Grinston, in testimony before the House Appropriations subcommittee on military construction, veteran affairs and related agencies. He said the Army published its guidance this week.
The Marine Corps released its guidance today, said Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps Troy Black, and it’s “exactly the same” as the Army guidance.
Air Force policy is also similar, said Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force JoAnne Bass. She added that the Air Force is making sure the process is quick, fair and that officials are handling the requests on a case-by-case basis.
Rep. John Rutherford, R-Fla., said he has talked to many service members in his district, which includes Jacksonville. “One of the things I keep hearing is they want to come back,” he said. He noted that more than 8,000 service members have been discharged for refusing the vaccine.
Никогда не хвалю себя просто так.
Такая я вот молодец!
Такая я вот молодец!
- DiKrantz
- Reactions: 209
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- Зарегистрирован: Пн фев 06, 2023 7:19 am
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Re: Covid-19
Интересно, а кто-то и когда-то понесет ответственность за репрессии в отношении людей, отказавшихся колоть себе самые "эффективные и безопасные" инъекции? Ведь огромное количество людей потеряло работу в результате всей этой вакханалии. Я считаю, что они все должны быть восстановлены с выплатой всего заработка с момента увольнения и еще дополнительной компенсацией.
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Re: Covid-19
Присоединяюсь.DiKrantz писал(а): ↑Чт мар 02, 2023 9:15 amИнтересно, а кто-то и когда-то понесет ответственность за репрессии в отношении людей, отказавшихся колоть себе самые "эффективные и безопасные" инъекции? Ведь огромное количество людей потеряло работу в результате всей этой вакханалии. Я считаю, что они все должны быть восстановлены с выплатой всего заработка с момента увольнения и еще дополнительной компенсацией.
А виновных надо отправить на пожизненную каторгу.
This world is totally fugazi
Re: Covid-19
Novak Djokovic withdraws from Indian Wells ahead of draw after losing COVID-19 vaccine waiver
According to The Associated Press, however, Djokovic lost his bid to enter the United States as someone who is unvaccinated against COVID-19.
The news came just days after the US Open and the USTA threw their support behind Djokovic’s attempt at receiving special permission to enter the United States — something he is currently not allowed to do, as he is unvaccinated for COVID-19.
Djokovic’s saga against receiving the COVID-19 vaccine dates back to last January, when he was deported from Australia just before the Australian Open. Djokovic missed the US Open last year as well as several other events — including Indian Wells — in the last 15-plus months.
Australia has since loosened its COVID-19 vaccine restrictions on international travelers, which allowed Djokovic to both compete in and win the Australian Open earlier this year. The United States, however, still does not permit international travelers to enter the country without being vaccinated.
Djokovic said last month that he applied for a special waiver to enter in order to compete at Indian Wells and the Miami Open later this month.
The United States is officially ending its COVID-19 emergency declaration in May, something that would allow Djokovic and other unvaccinated travelers to enter the country. If that happens, Djokovic would be allowed to play at the US Open this fall.
While the 22-time Grand Slam champion may get to the United States later this year, it appears he won't be playing at Indian Wells or Miami this spring after all.
According to The Associated Press, however, Djokovic lost his bid to enter the United States as someone who is unvaccinated against COVID-19.
The news came just days after the US Open and the USTA threw their support behind Djokovic’s attempt at receiving special permission to enter the United States — something he is currently not allowed to do, as he is unvaccinated for COVID-19.
Djokovic’s saga against receiving the COVID-19 vaccine dates back to last January, when he was deported from Australia just before the Australian Open. Djokovic missed the US Open last year as well as several other events — including Indian Wells — in the last 15-plus months.
Australia has since loosened its COVID-19 vaccine restrictions on international travelers, which allowed Djokovic to both compete in and win the Australian Open earlier this year. The United States, however, still does not permit international travelers to enter the country without being vaccinated.
Djokovic said last month that he applied for a special waiver to enter in order to compete at Indian Wells and the Miami Open later this month.
The United States is officially ending its COVID-19 emergency declaration in May, something that would allow Djokovic and other unvaccinated travelers to enter the country. If that happens, Djokovic would be allowed to play at the US Open this fall.
While the 22-time Grand Slam champion may get to the United States later this year, it appears he won't be playing at Indian Wells or Miami this spring after all.
Никогда не хвалю себя просто так.
Такая я вот молодец!
Такая я вот молодец!
- Kapitula
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- Зарегистрирован: Сб июн 11, 2022 5:05 am
Re: Covid-19
Увидев тему вспомнила, что давно ковида не видела. Посмотрела статистику- точно, вниз на 500 в день в штате спустилось. Ура!
бессмертный партайгеноз(с)
- DiKrantz
- Reactions: 209
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- Зарегистрирован: Пн фев 06, 2023 7:19 am
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Re: Covid-19
"When do we deploy the new variant?"
UK officials discussed when to ‘deploy’ new Covid variant to push lockdown, WhatsApp messages show
https://www.news.com.au/technology/scie ... e522661de3
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Re: Covid-19
Я сегодня в госпитале был, там на рецептурные мне даже маску не предложили одеть и сами были без масок. Но медперсонал был в масках
Re: Covid-19
У меня стоматологи перестали маски требовать.
Детский ещё требует обязательно.
Детский ещё требует обязательно.
Никогда не хвалю себя просто так.
Такая я вот молодец!
Такая я вот молодец!
Re: Covid-19
Госпидя, какие маски?
В Денвере больше года никакие стоматологии маски не требуют от пациентов от слова совсем.... Сам дохтур в маске и до пандемии меня осматривал....
В Денвере больше года никакие стоматологии маски не требуют от пациентов от слова совсем.... Сам дохтур в маске и до пандемии меня осматривал....
I will not apologize
- DiKrantz
- Reactions: 209
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- Зарегистрирован: Пн фев 06, 2023 7:19 am
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Re: Covid-19
Распространяем только подтвержденную инфу, сорян. Свои вопросы и претензии по достоверности Узито может направить британской The Telegraph и даже BBC.
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/pr ... r-AA18dSWw
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- Uzito
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- Зарегистрирован: Пт июн 24, 2022 1:35 pm
Re: Covid-19
Не более чем чья-то тупая шутка, которую какие-то дебилы принимают за правду и тиражируют по всем конспирологическим сайтам и форумам.
Для "выпуска нового варианта" нужны лаборатории и люди работающие над ним, а тут кроме вырваной цитаты из чатика больше ничего.
Для "выпуска нового варианта" нужны лаборатории и люди работающие над ним, а тут кроме вырваной цитаты из чатика больше ничего.
- DiKrantz
- Reactions: 209
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- Зарегистрирован: Пн фев 06, 2023 7:19 am
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Re: Covid-19
Не чья-то, а целого министра здравоохранения Великобритании. Зачем же вы его в тупые шутники записали? Нехорошо это, неуважительно. Тем более, что он не шутил.
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- Reactions: 347
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- Зарегистрирован: Вт июн 14, 2022 7:12 pm
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Re: Covid-19
Люди на полном серьезе приносили фактчекинг, написанный неизвестно кем, а сейчас им нужны неопровержимые доказательства 

Re: Covid-19
мышка Машка писал(а): ↑Вт мар 07, 2023 8:49 pm Люди на полном серьезе приносили фактчекинг, написанный неизвестно кем, а сейчас им нужны неопровержимые доказательства![]()
Никогда не хвалю себя просто так.
Такая я вот молодец!
Такая я вот молодец!
- DiKrantz
- Reactions: 209
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- Зарегистрирован: Пн фев 06, 2023 7:19 am
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Re: Covid-19
А вот если запостить недавнюю новость о том, что ковид-вакцына на 97% предотвращает заражение ковидом, признает ли Святая Инквизиция это фейком?
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Re: Covid-19
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) called on President Biden to allow Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic to compete in the Miami Open despite him being unvaccinated for COVID-19.
DeSantis sent a letter to Biden on Tuesday demanding that he exempt Djokovic — who is 22-time Grand Slam winner — from the United States’ vaccination policy, which states that noncitizens who are not immigrants and traveling to the U.S. by air must be vaccinated. He said that the only thing keeping Djokovic from playing is Biden’s “misguided, unscientific and out-of-date” vaccination policy.
In the letter, DeSantis also pointed to migrants seeking passage to the United States through the southern border. Immigrants are not required under the proclamation amended in 2022 to be vaccinated against COVID-19, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
“Furthermore, even as you enacted the Proclamation on air travel that remains in force to this day, your administration pointedly allowed thousands of unvaccinated migrants to enter our country through the southern border,” he wrote.
DeSantis sent a letter to Biden on Tuesday demanding that he exempt Djokovic — who is 22-time Grand Slam winner — from the United States’ vaccination policy, which states that noncitizens who are not immigrants and traveling to the U.S. by air must be vaccinated. He said that the only thing keeping Djokovic from playing is Biden’s “misguided, unscientific and out-of-date” vaccination policy.
In the letter, DeSantis also pointed to migrants seeking passage to the United States through the southern border. Immigrants are not required under the proclamation amended in 2022 to be vaccinated against COVID-19, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
“Furthermore, even as you enacted the Proclamation on air travel that remains in force to this day, your administration pointedly allowed thousands of unvaccinated migrants to enter our country through the southern border,” he wrote.
Никогда не хвалю себя просто так.
Такая я вот молодец!
Такая я вот молодец!